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Data ważności: 2022-05-03
Województwo: -wszystkie-
Interested in working abroad ?A picturesque Resort in Tuscany is looking for optimistic, energetic and well-organized person who can communicate in Italian and English (preferably fluent in both). Education with a tourist profile will be an asset.
The responsibilities will include:
Managing booking process from offers making till payments verification
Conducting Check in-check out procedures
Looking after customers during their stay
Receiving possible complaints and solving them
Following customer registration procedures
Cooperation with agents and local subcontractors on daily basis
Being up to date with current travel regulations and local requirements
Expected from you:
Fluent knowledge of English and Italian language
High personal culture
Responsibility and independence
Proactive approach
High discipline and accuracy at work
Experience working in tourism or customer service
We offer:
Employment in the months: from April till October 2022 on spot in Tuscany
B2B contract
Work in an international environment
Necessary tools for work
We kindly inform you, we will contact with select candidates.
Dział: Dam pracę
Booking and Customer Relations Supervisor
Data wstawienia: 2022-03-04 11:16Data ważności: 2022-05-03
Województwo: -wszystkie-
Interested in working abroad ?A picturesque Resort in Tuscany is looking for optimistic, energetic and well-organized person who can communicate in Italian and English (preferably fluent in both). Education with a tourist profile will be an asset.
The responsibilities will include:
Managing booking process from offers making till payments verification
Conducting Check in-check out procedures
Looking after customers during their stay
Receiving possible complaints and solving them
Following customer registration procedures
Cooperation with agents and local subcontractors on daily basis
Being up to date with current travel regulations and local requirements
Expected from you:
Fluent knowledge of English and Italian language
High personal culture
Responsibility and independence
Proactive approach
High discipline and accuracy at work
Experience working in tourism or customer service
We offer:
Employment in the months: from April till October 2022 on spot in Tuscany
B2B contract
Work in an international environment
Necessary tools for work
We kindly inform you, we will contact with select candidates.
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