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Dział: Dam pracę
ACTE-Poland representative
Data wstawienia: 2016-10-20 12:51Data ważności: 2016-11-19
Województwo: Mazowieckie
ACTE-Regional, division of the global Association of Corporate Travel Executives (https://acte.org/ ), is opening Poland branch in Warsaw this year.
ACTE-Poland is meant to become a platform for communication and knowledge exchange of buyers and suppliers of the business travel industry in Poland to ensure its stable development and growth.
Job requirements:
ACTE Representative in Poland should be:
Experienced in the business travel (essential)
Initiative, persuasive and customer oriented
Ready to attend trade and consumer shows and client and industry events, to organize and assist in corporate hospitality for clients and agencies, including some business travel
ACTE Representative in Poland should have:
Degree level or equivalent (Travel / Marketing / Sales)
Relevant contacts (proven relationships with corporate buyers, agencies and suppliers)
Great communication skills
English and Polish - fluent
Experience in event management
Experience in PR support is desirable
Ability to influence and negotiate with a broad group of stakeholders (up to board level)
Likely to have experience of sponsorship projects within complex investment and commercial schemes and able to shape commercial, procurement and financing strategy in public and private sector environments
Great time management skills, you must be a self-starter, able to manage your workload and deliver a consistent performance.
Additional info:
Remote office (full-time Mon-Fri , flexible working hours, 40 hours per week)
Contact mail -
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