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Dział: Dam pracę
Bike Leader on Cruise Ship
Data wstawienia: 2016-08-18 15:25Data ważności: 2016-09-17
Województwo: -wszystkie-
You have the opportunity to join a real international team collaborating with one of the worldwide largest company, which grows up consistently and employs 15.500 people. Further 4.500 people will be employed in the next two years. A company which estimates his employees with large value.
Bike Leader (previous experiance compulsory) is responsible for all around concerning the Bike Tours. He/She must have ability to rec new bike-routes, ability to lead groups composed from plenty people, always ready to react promptly in unexpected situation, ability to rcognize who is sweetable for which bike tour and ability to entratain the pertecipants. Fluent English and German are mandatory. Further languages are always welcome!
Who apply for this position needs:
- Be physically fit
- Able to cycle min 80 km per day
- Able to repair a bike
- Able to give first aid in case of incident (you will receive first aid training)
- Selling skills for Bike tours
- Good communication skills in English and German
- Be able to swim at list for 100 m
- No alcohol and no drugs addiction
- Ready to work 7 days per week between three and six months
Employee receive :
- Accommodation
- Food and beverage
- Further trainings
- Farewell activities
- Medical assistance on board
- Internet discount
First week familiarisation courses and safety test.
Buddy in charged for the welcome period supporting the new employee
Documents requested:
Criminal Record clear
STCW95 courses (3 days course on your expenses)*
Medical certification (on your expenses)*
Panama Book - Seaman book provided from the company on your expenses
* We will be helpful to find the most close institution to attend the STCW 95 course and to find the most close Doctor, who is allowed to give the medical certification for ability to work as seaman.
Firma: A.C.A Abroad Career AgencyZobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego województwa
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