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Data ważności: 2015-02-22
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
About the company
Great 5 stars hotel in Mallorca with many good experiences from more than 10 years about students and internships in different areas as Reception, HHRR, Restaurant and Kitchen. This hotel offers accommodation, meals and remuneration for its students and it is one of the most important tourism estructures of the island. Close to the beach and full of details this company is a really good place to find an internship experience.
Internship Description
Start date
July 2015
2-6 months
Food & Beverage Services / Catering
Waiter Hotel 5 stars Mallorca
Working hours
200 €
Board and Accommodation
Required profile
Areas of study
Tourism / Restaurant / Comunication / Languages
Work experience
Apprecitated but not neccesary
SpanishEnglish German
Level of languages
English (or German)
IT Skills
Other skills
Appreciated: a very organized, motivated, communication skills
Objective - Responsibilities
The trainee would assist the chief and the service in restuarant in all their tasks, learning all the know-how of a restaurant part of a luxury hotel:
- Serving and advising clients with the composition of all menu items.
- Help in the buffet time: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
- Serving restaurant menu in accordance with laid-down standards.
- Serving customers with a professional, efficient and courteous manner
- Ensuring all items used are clean, undamaged and in a good state
- Taking orders from customers and ensure these are given to the appropriate person.
Dział: Dam staż
Kelner w Luksusowym Hotelu MAJORKA
Data wstawienia: 2015-01-23 16:39Data ważności: 2015-02-22
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
About the company
Great 5 stars hotel in Mallorca with many good experiences from more than 10 years about students and internships in different areas as Reception, HHRR, Restaurant and Kitchen. This hotel offers accommodation, meals and remuneration for its students and it is one of the most important tourism estructures of the island. Close to the beach and full of details this company is a really good place to find an internship experience.
Internship Description
Start date
July 2015
2-6 months
Food & Beverage Services / Catering
Waiter Hotel 5 stars Mallorca
Working hours
200 €
Board and Accommodation
Required profile
Areas of study
Tourism / Restaurant / Comunication / Languages
Work experience
Apprecitated but not neccesary
SpanishEnglish German
Level of languages
English (or German)
IT Skills
Other skills
Appreciated: a very organized, motivated, communication skills
Objective - Responsibilities
The trainee would assist the chief and the service in restuarant in all their tasks, learning all the know-how of a restaurant part of a luxury hotel:
- Serving and advising clients with the composition of all menu items.
- Help in the buffet time: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
- Serving restaurant menu in accordance with laid-down standards.
- Serving customers with a professional, efficient and courteous manner
- Ensuring all items used are clean, undamaged and in a good state
- Taking orders from customers and ensure these are given to the appropriate person.
Firma: IES ConsultingZobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego działu
Zobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego działuWarszawa: IX Festiwal Slajdów Podróżniczych
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