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Dział: Szukam partnera

Agencja turystyczna Fjallhalla Adventures szuka partnera

Data wstawienia: 2014-09-12 00:02
Data ważności: 2014-11-10
Województwo: --poza-Polską--

Fjallhalla Adventures

Agencja turystyczne otwarte w styczniu 2014 roku poszukuje partnerów do współpracy. Współpraca ta z naszej strony polega na przeprowadzeniu dowolnego rodzaju wycieczek na miejscu (z oferty standardowej, dostępnej na stronie lub przygotowanej indywidualnie dla naszych partnerów).

Szczegóły dotyczące firmy (w jęz. angielskim):

You might wonder how we at Fjallhalla are any different from other companies offering trips in Iceland. Fjallhalla is a young company, just started running in January 2014, but has great experience in hiking, and our guides are well trained from the rescueteam. We therefore have a fresh state of mind and dont offer the usual sightseeings, but try to give you a little bit more authentic experience, by sharing with you the parts we love the most. For bigger excursions, like glacier hikes, we will be buying service from more experienced glacierguides.

Our mission is to offer the cheapest trips possible for students, especially exchange students, cause you come here for a short time and want to experience as much as possible on a very short time elapse. We will try to give you the best of Iceland.

Our motto is safety first. We have been organizing trips where we had to cancel because of bad weatherforecast, or not reaching the summit because of weather getting worse. As an guide in Iceland you have to learn to "read" the weather, cause we live on an island where weather can change without notice, but that makes Iceland a bit thrilling as well. We will teach you how to best enjoy being active outdoor, and of cause you will get to know a lot of new people.

You might also wonder about the name Fjallhalla, but the first think I thought when suggested was Valhalla, and that´s exactly what we are trying to do connect it to the Vikings, authentic experience.

One last explanation for this name is the story about FjallaEyvindur: Fjalla-Eyvindur (Icelandic for "Eyvindur of the Mountains"; 1714-1783) was an Icelandic outlaw. He and his wife Halla are reported to have fled into the remote highlands of Iceland after 1760. They lived in the wilderness for twenty years. A hot spring named Eyvindarhver is named after him. By this we are not saying we are outlaws, just that we will teach you how to survive in the wilderness.


Firma: Fjallhalla Adventures
Telefon: +48 661152850
E-mail: pierzak.paulina@gmail.com

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