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- Specjalista ds. Turystyki
- specjalista ds. turystyki
- Specjalista ds. turystyki
- KRAKÓW - Specjalista ds. Sprzedaży Podróży
Uwaga! Serwis nie bierze odpowiedzialności za treść ogłoszeń. Ewentualne naruszenia regulaminu serwisu prosimy zgłaszać Administratorowi po przez stronę Kontakt
Data ważności: 2014-08-15
Województwo: Małopolskie
Main responsibilities:
Provide support to clients in travel industry sector (via telephone, e-mail, chat)
Adequate understanding, interpreting and managing incoming enquiries
Provide active support to customers before and after booking
Delivering the highest quality customer service
Ability to be both proactive and reactive based on the individual situation
Working with colleagues to ensure Clients expectations are meet
Candidate profile:
Excellent written and oral skills in German or French or Italian
Good command of the English language
Excellent customer care and proactive attitude
Result oriented approach
Attention to details
Being a team player
Previous call center, travel industry or/and hospitality experience - as an asset
Competitive salary (plus extra bonuses)
Attractive benefits package
Full-paid appropriate training
Private medical care for you and for your family (including dental care after upgrading package)
Employee Referral Award Program
Great development opportunities in an international, fast - paced company
A multicultural, great working environment
Fast recruitment process taking 2-3 weeks, with a ‘remote’ application systems
Dział: Dam pracę
Data wstawienia: 2014-08-01 10:22Data ważności: 2014-08-15
Województwo: Małopolskie
Main responsibilities:
Provide support to clients in travel industry sector (via telephone, e-mail, chat)
Adequate understanding, interpreting and managing incoming enquiries
Provide active support to customers before and after booking
Delivering the highest quality customer service
Ability to be both proactive and reactive based on the individual situation
Working with colleagues to ensure Clients expectations are meet
Candidate profile:
Excellent written and oral skills in German or French or Italian
Good command of the English language
Excellent customer care and proactive attitude
Result oriented approach
Attention to details
Being a team player
Previous call center, travel industry or/and hospitality experience - as an asset
Competitive salary (plus extra bonuses)
Attractive benefits package
Full-paid appropriate training
Private medical care for you and for your family (including dental care after upgrading package)
Employee Referral Award Program
Great development opportunities in an international, fast - paced company
A multicultural, great working environment
Fast recruitment process taking 2-3 weeks, with a ‘remote’ application systems
Firma: SercoZobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego województwa
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