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Data ważności: 2014-02-27
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
We are 3*** Hotel in a beautiful location, overlooking the ocean.
We are recruiting for hard working employees to join our team for the summer season ( May - September).
We expect:
- language skills - fluent English
- ability to work in a team
- ability to work under stress
- positive attitude
- willingness to work hard and learn
- excellent customer service
- good inter-personal skills and communication skills
We offer
- good atmosphere
- training in all departments
- international working environment
- accommodation and on-duty meals (deducted from the salary)
- contract
Please send your CV in English and Polish to m with the position in the title.
We will contact only selected applicants.
Dział: Dam pracę
General Assistant for summer season/hotel/Ireland
Data wstawienia: 2014-01-28 11:17Data ważności: 2014-02-27
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
We are 3*** Hotel in a beautiful location, overlooking the ocean.
We are recruiting for hard working employees to join our team for the summer season ( May - September).
We expect:
- language skills - fluent English
- ability to work in a team
- ability to work under stress
- positive attitude
- willingness to work hard and learn
- excellent customer service
- good inter-personal skills and communication skills
We offer
- good atmosphere
- training in all departments
- international working environment
- accommodation and on-duty meals (deducted from the salary)
- contract
Please send your CV in English and Polish to m with the position in the title.
We will contact only selected applicants.
Firma: Derrynane HotelZobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego województwa
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