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- Rezydent Turystyczny - TUNEZJA
- Specjalista ds Turystyki
- Główny rezydent biura podróży/ Head Rep
- Pilot wycieczek - Polska i Europa
Dział: Dam staż
Data wstawienia: 2013-08-01 11:53Data ważności: 2013-09-30
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
WHERE? Spain!
WHEN? Position available from 08.2013
DURATION: minimum 2 months
HOW MANY HOURS? full time, 40h/week
If you are a sociable person who like to interact with other people from multinational environment, the animation position will be perfect for you! We guarantee enjoyable time which you can spend in one of our luxury partner hotels in Spain.
- Practise your Spanish (and other) languages!
- Explore the other culture
- Enjoy your time in hot climate
- Meet international people (we recruit students from all over the world!)
- Don´t worry about the living (accommodation + food provided in hotel!)
- Earn some money (average salary 150 - 300 EUR/month!)
The tasks are varied:
- Preparing a full schedule of games and shows
- Get a good contact with guests, make sure that they have a good time
- Organize sport activities and children fun
We are looking for:
- Friendly students with good socializing skills and creativity
- Languages: GOOD ENGLISH
We offer:
- Remuneration: 200€/month + accommodation + food
- Interesting tasks, international and pleasant work environment
APPLY NOW! Please send us your CV in English or Spanish on
interns@ies-consulting.es with title Animator or register on our website http://www. ies-consulting. es/internships/student_form. php
* Our recruitment process is free. Once you got accepted, you will be charged a 390 € safety fee, only if you and employer would agree to accept the offer. This is for IES consulting taking care of your conditions, salary and accommodation during your internship. The salary provided by hotel guarantees repayment.
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