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Data ważności: 2013-07-21
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
WHERE? Mallorca, Baleary Islands, Spain
WHEN? Position available from 07.2013
DURATION: minimum 6 months
HOW MANY HOURS? full time, 40h/week
This company is a leading receptive and business to business provider of incoming travel services to travel trade professionals worldwide across more than 80 countries.
The tasks are varied:
This is an excellent opportunity for a graduate who is looking for experience in the communications department of an international business and to develop knowledge of the leisure travel industry.
The role provides an opportunity for the intern to work in a fast-growing, international business and team. The role will provide exposure to key external and internal communication initiatives taking place within the business.
The responsibilities will include:
� Provide communications support to the team on internal and external projects
� Help handle calls/enquiries coming into the department
� Maintain and keep up-to-date key materials for the communications department � for example presentations, information on brands and businesses etc.
� Take responsibility for uploading information on the intranet and communications kit and keeping the communications section up-to-date
� Supporting the communications team in the management of events
� Monitoring and assisting with social media channels
� Other ad hoc duties as required.
We are looking for:
Studies: Business school , International business/ Marketing/
We offer:
Remuneration: 550€/month + accommodation + food
APPLY NOW! Please send us your CV in English or Spanish on interns@ies-consulting.es with title Communication MALLORCA or register on our website http://www. ies-consulting. es/internships/student_form. php
Before you start recruitment process, please check with your school if they would accept UNIVERSITY AGREEMENT which need to be signed up at the end of recruitment process.
Dział: Dam staż
Data wstawienia: 2013-06-21 16:37Data ważności: 2013-07-21
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
WHERE? Mallorca, Baleary Islands, Spain
WHEN? Position available from 07.2013
DURATION: minimum 6 months
HOW MANY HOURS? full time, 40h/week
This company is a leading receptive and business to business provider of incoming travel services to travel trade professionals worldwide across more than 80 countries.
The tasks are varied:
This is an excellent opportunity for a graduate who is looking for experience in the communications department of an international business and to develop knowledge of the leisure travel industry.
The role provides an opportunity for the intern to work in a fast-growing, international business and team. The role will provide exposure to key external and internal communication initiatives taking place within the business.
The responsibilities will include:
� Provide communications support to the team on internal and external projects
� Help handle calls/enquiries coming into the department
� Maintain and keep up-to-date key materials for the communications department � for example presentations, information on brands and businesses etc.
� Take responsibility for uploading information on the intranet and communications kit and keeping the communications section up-to-date
� Supporting the communications team in the management of events
� Monitoring and assisting with social media channels
� Other ad hoc duties as required.
We are looking for:
Studies: Business school , International business/ Marketing/
We offer:
Remuneration: 550€/month + accommodation + food
APPLY NOW! Please send us your CV in English or Spanish on interns@ies-consulting.es with title Communication MALLORCA or register on our website http://www. ies-consulting. es/internships/student_form. php
Before you start recruitment process, please check with your school if they would accept UNIVERSITY AGREEMENT which need to be signed up at the end of recruitment process.
r e k l a m a
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