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Data ważności: 2013-06-30
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
oceania cruises and regent seven seas (the apollo group: www.oceaniacruises.com / www.rssc.com) are looking for great candidates for the positions below for skype interview:
provision master (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 6 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $2500-3500 per month.
assistant f&b manager (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 5 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $4000-5000 per month.
head bartender (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 6 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $3000 per month.
pastry chef (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 4 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $4500-5000 per month.
excellent work experience
hospitable and motivated personality
fluent english
shipboard experience
if you are interested in our offer, please send your english cv.
for more information about the process of working and living conditions on board, please contact us via skype (ismira-poland1) or by phone at +48 223 895 238 (poland) or +37 064 595 899 (lithuania).
our work hours are from 8 to 16 (polish time).
more information can also be found at: http://www.ismira.pl/
Dział: Dam pracę
Data wstawienia: 2013-05-16 15:14Data ważności: 2013-06-30
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
oceania cruises and regent seven seas (the apollo group: www.oceaniacruises.com / www.rssc.com) are looking for great candidates for the positions below for skype interview:
provision master (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 6 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $2500-3500 per month.
assistant f&b manager (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 5 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $4000-5000 per month.
head bartender (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 6 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $3000 per month.
pastry chef (similar cruise ship exp.) - contract length 4 months / 2 months holidays, salary approx. $4500-5000 per month.
excellent work experience
hospitable and motivated personality
fluent english
shipboard experience
if you are interested in our offer, please send your english cv.
for more information about the process of working and living conditions on board, please contact us via skype (ismira-poland1) or by phone at +48 223 895 238 (poland) or +37 064 595 899 (lithuania).
our work hours are from 8 to 16 (polish time).
more information can also be found at: http://www.ismira.pl/
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