- Psycholog/Pedagog/Socjoterapeuta/ 28.02-2.03
- Poszukiwana pielęniarka/ratownik med.
- Specjalista ds. obsługi posprzedażowej Wrocław
- rozszerzenie oferty, przewodnictwo
- Kraków- specjalista d/s turystyki
- Doradca Klienta d/s turystyki PRUSZKÓW
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Data ważności: 2013-01-16
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
Yapoga.com - an advert
Yapoga.com in an international web search engine, a system of international fairs, international trade magazines and product rankings (all in the process of implementation). Our unique project - on a global scale - is the implementation of website rankings: so called YapogaRank. We have already collected 32 million websites from all over the world. Our systems are displayed in 38 languages.
At the moment we are looking for representatives for Yapoga.com in all countries of the world.
Position: Yapoga.com Representative
Job description:
1. maintaining contacts with companies in your country
2. participating in global promotion of all Yapoga.com activities
3. representing Yapoga.com
1. communicative knowledge of English (in writing and reading)
2. responsibility for your scope of activities
3. signing a statement of data confidentiality
4. sticking to deadlines
5. being ready to start your own company
We offer:
1. steady cooperation
2. commission up to 30%
3. chance for self-development and gaining experience
4. participation in an international consortium
Candidates are requested to send their offers to the following address:
I ask to send to 10.01.2013 r. offer
Dział: Dam pracę
Manager Yapoga.om- Turcja
Data wstawienia: 2013-01-02 12:53Data ważności: 2013-01-16
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
Yapoga.com - an advert
Yapoga.com in an international web search engine, a system of international fairs, international trade magazines and product rankings (all in the process of implementation). Our unique project - on a global scale - is the implementation of website rankings: so called YapogaRank. We have already collected 32 million websites from all over the world. Our systems are displayed in 38 languages.
At the moment we are looking for representatives for Yapoga.com in all countries of the world.
Position: Yapoga.com Representative
Job description:
1. maintaining contacts with companies in your country
2. participating in global promotion of all Yapoga.com activities
3. representing Yapoga.com
1. communicative knowledge of English (in writing and reading)
2. responsibility for your scope of activities
3. signing a statement of data confidentiality
4. sticking to deadlines
5. being ready to start your own company
We offer:
1. steady cooperation
2. commission up to 30%
3. chance for self-development and gaining experience
4. participation in an international consortium
Candidates are requested to send their offers to the following address:
I ask to send to 10.01.2013 r. offer
Firma: Yapoga.comZobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego województwa
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