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Dział: Dam pracę
Travel Agent French or Dutch Speaker
Data wstawienia: 2012-10-24 09:53Data ważności: 2012-12-23
Województwo: Małopolskie
Are you looking for a job that will take you places? A job that is challenging, rewarding, demanding and exciting where you will work in an international and fast-paced environment with fantastic people? Serco is expanding its business in Kraków and is looking for multilingual, motivated individuals to join a brand new, fast growing contract in the travel industry. We need:
Travel Agent
French or Dutch Speaker
Ref. no.: TA/TI/102012
As a travel agent working for Serco in their dedicated travel industry team, you will be responsible for handling inbound calls and email requests from customers. You will interpret customers\' needs and help them resolve their enquiry promptly in a manner that will result in the highest levels of customer satisfaction.
We expect you to:
• provide evidence of excellent written and oral skills in French or Dutch
• have a good command of the English language
• show excellent customer care and a courteous attitude
• be confident, flexible and results oriented approach
• be positive, enthusiastic and proactive outlook
• be a team player
We offer:
• an attractive salary and benefits package including private medical care
• a convenient office location in Krakow
• great development opportunities in an international, fast-paced company
• a multicultural working environment
• a fast recruitment process taking only 2 - 3 weeks, with a \'remote\' application system using phone and email
• relocation packages and intensive language courses where appropriate
Start your career journey with Serco NOW by sending your application to:
Please, include the reference number and the following clause: I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my offer to be processed by Serco European Services Sp. z o.o. for the purposes of recruitment process, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (uniform text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2002 No 101, item 926 with further amendments)
Firma: Serco European ServicesZobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego województwa
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