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Dział: Dam pracę
Customer Service Support with French
Data wstawienia: 2012-10-15 14:38Data ważności: 2012-11-14
Województwo: Małopolskie
Due to our cooperation with the world’s largest international companies, we are looking for graduates or specialists who are searching for multilingual job opportunities. Depending on what stage you’re in your career journey we can offer wide range of job opportunities in Krakow.
We are looking for Candidates willing to develop professionally in multicultural environment and start their career in Krakow in travel industry.
While working on this position you will be responsible for travel related issues, responding for incoming queries and solving problems, providing high quality service to clients’ employees via phone and e-mail as well as assisting with system navigation and updating database.
Successful Candidate need to be positive, enthusiastic and challenge-driven, engaging, quick thinking and interested in customer service area. Moreover we are looking for Candidates who speak very good English and fluent French. We are open for individuals, who are at the beginning of their professional career and feel comfortable using French on daily basis.
Our Client offers full time job in a fast growing international company with stable employment conditions, opportunities of professional development in multinational environment, competitive salary and outstanding benefit package as well as training and interesting career path within the company.
Sounds interesting? Do not hesitate and send your CV in English on e-mail:
In your application please include the following statement: "I hereby authorize you to process my personal data included in my job application for the needs of the recruitment process (in accordance with the Personnel Protection Act 29.08.1997 no 133 position 883)".
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