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Dział: Dam pracę

Group manager

Data wstawienia: 2012-08-31 15:52
Data ważności: 2012-09-14
Województwo: Małopolskie

Want to be a part of an outstanding team of a Good Bye Lenin Hostels in Krakow? You have great organization skills? Used to work in fast paced environment? Multitasking is nothing new to you? And the most important want to be a part of a great international community of travelers and backpackers? This offer is for you!
We are looking for an independent employee, ready to take cover of our Group Specialist duties. Position requires a lot of motivation, devotion to work and focusing on designated goals.
Some of your responsibilities will be, maintaining all business correspondence with proper time manner and style. To cope with all groups inquires, requests during, before or after their service in Good Bye Lenin Hostels.

- Excellent knowledge of English language (written and spoken)
- High developed interpersonal skills
- Engagement, enthusiasm to work
- Negotiation skills,
- Positive attitude
- Focus on achieving set goals
- Ability to work in stressful environment and under time pressure
- Along with a high level of verbal and written skills, a solid grasp of Word and Excel are extremely important, as you are responsible for your own correspondence as well as preparing group, marketing offers
- Good time management skills and analytical skills are important.
- You should be able to prioritize and manage your own projects.
- This position has direct contact with clients, so problem-solving skills and customer service skills are key to a successful candidate.

To apply, please send your resume, along with your cover letter to us by email.

Please do include below clause in your application:

"Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz.U.02.101.926 tekst jednolity z późniejszymi zmianami)".


Firma: Good Bye Lenin Hostels

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