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Data ważności: 2010-06-15
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
I\'m looking for the position of local representative/tour leader.
I have got valid tour leader’s licence since 2006 (with English as a foreign language).
I graduated from Warsaw University obtaining MA degree in English and Russian.
Having worked for different organisations in Poland and abroad, I have gained valuable experience in cooperation with corporate clients and groups. It gave me a possibility to develop my interpersonal and organisational skills.
I’m well-organised, self-driven, reliable person and have good customer service skills. I also enjoy the opportunity to meet new people of all cultures and ages.
I speak English and Russian fluently. Moreover, I have communicative command of Spanish (castellano). What\'s more, I have good command of tourist terminology as my MA thesis was strictly connected with this industry.
I am also a fast learner and I can easily adapt myself to new situations.
I would be especially interested in following destinations:
Spain, Canary Islands (or any other Spanish-speaking country/island), Croatia.
Dział: Szukam pracy
Data wstawienia: 2010-05-16 15:14Data ważności: 2010-06-15
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
I\'m looking for the position of local representative/tour leader.
I have got valid tour leader’s licence since 2006 (with English as a foreign language).
I graduated from Warsaw University obtaining MA degree in English and Russian.
Having worked for different organisations in Poland and abroad, I have gained valuable experience in cooperation with corporate clients and groups. It gave me a possibility to develop my interpersonal and organisational skills.
I’m well-organised, self-driven, reliable person and have good customer service skills. I also enjoy the opportunity to meet new people of all cultures and ages.
I speak English and Russian fluently. Moreover, I have communicative command of Spanish (castellano). What\'s more, I have good command of tourist terminology as my MA thesis was strictly connected with this industry.
I am also a fast learner and I can easily adapt myself to new situations.
I would be especially interested in following destinations:
Spain, Canary Islands (or any other Spanish-speaking country/island), Croatia.
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