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Dział: Dla turystów
Floods in Kenya-oficial statement
Data wstawienia: 2010-03-10 11:12Data ważności: 2010-04-09
Województwo: -wszystkie-
Statement on the current flood situation in Samburu, Kenya
As reported in the local and international media, East Africa is currently experiencing flash floods, which have affected Uganda and most recently western and northern regions of Kenya. The heavy rains have come after earlier months of drought in the region.
Flooding occurred in the Samburu area to the northern part of Kenya, after the river Uaso Nyiro broke its banks following heavy rains in the Mt Kenya and Laikipia regions during the early hours of Thursday 4th March 2010. Overnight, the water levels have considerably subsided.
Within Kenya, the affected areas are mainly located around Samburu and the riverbanks of the River Uaso Nyiro. Other areas in Kenya, such as the Maasai Mara, Amboseli, Tsavo, Lakes of Navaisha and Nakuru, are not affected.
The National Tourism Crisis Management Committee is coordinating the management of the crisis at the Ministry of Tourism, which is being led by the acting permanent secretary, Mrs Eunice Miima.
Rescue and evacuation operations organized by the government through the National Disaster Operations Centre are underway with visitors being moved to safer areas including Nairobi and other national parks. No reports of any casualties have been received.
The Police, the Kenya Wildlife Service and the private sector, as well as aircrafts from the Kenya Air Force are on the ground with the necessary rescue equipment. The first two teams arrived yesterday at 10.30am local time. The joint training units of the Kenya Army and the British Army are also assisting.
In terms of accessibility, the Samburu airstrip is operational. The majority of the road network is functional through the reserve, however the bridge connecting Buffalo Springs and Samburu National Reserves is confirmed to be out of use for the time being. Whereas the bridge itself is intact, the road leading to the bridge on both sides has been affected. Operators wishing to connect between the two reserves should divert to Archers Post Gate.
Relief supplies (food and non-food items) are already pre-positioned in Isiolo for dispatch to the affected area by the Ministry of Special Programmes.
A team of senior government officials including directors of the National Disaster Operation Centre and Tourism is on the ground coordinating response activities.
Some properties in the Samburu National Park including the Elephant Research Centre have been affected and damaged by the flooding, whilst others remain open and operational. Tour operators are advised to check with their individual ground handlers for specific itinerary changes. The Kenya Tourist Board has requested a further update from the Kenya Tourism Federation (KTF), the Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO) and Kenya Association of Hotel Keepers and Caterers (KAHC) and will provide updates accordingly.
Sylva Santarova
Market Development Representative
Kenya Tourist Board
Šafaříkova 5
120 00 Praha 2
Tel. +420 731 609 404
e-mail: s.santarova@travel-marketing.cz
Firma: Kenya Tourist BoardTelefon: +420 731 609 404
E-mail: s.santarova@travel-marketing.cz
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