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- BP ITAKA - KRAKÓW - Specjalista ds. Turystyki
Dział: Dla turystów
Data wstawienia: 2009-05-04 09:50Data ważności: 2009-06-03
Województwo: --poza-Polską--
The most beautiful old city the middle of Europe is Krakow.
Main beauteous monuments of Krakow are situated in the centre of the city.
Only an a half of hour takes you going on foot to reach the most beatuiful and precious places of Krakow.
But for true amateurs of arts and old monuments it takesa week and every single day they will discover new beatuiful places.
This is Krakow,the former kings capital of Poland,city which surprises his visitors by charm and pleasanttness.
For all our guests"KRAK-TOUR"travel agency offers a trip by comfortable,noiseless,pollution-free and save vehicles made in Melex.
The route of this trip gets around the most important monuments and places.
The renaissance Royal Castle at Wawel,the gothic St.Mary s Basillica,the historical trade pavilions of the Cloth Hall,the former separate Jewish city of Kazimierz,and even the Nowa Huta district,absorbed by Krakow together with its socialist-realist,industrial architecture are all places which make a visit to Krakow dramatically interesting.
During the trip we stop at all places where you can make photos.
Twofold benefits are possibility to attend a lecturer in mother tongue.
A driver helps you kindly with every question and suggests you the most popular restaurants,or the pubs.
Telefon: +48 505 123 656E-mail: sightseeingtourCracow@interia.eu
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