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Dział: Dam pracę

Stewardessy / Stewardzi poszukiwani!

Data wstawienia: 2017-03-29 21:41
Data ważności: 2017-06-27
Województwo: -wszystkie-

Stewardesy / Stewardzi poszukiwani!

Ryanair, Europe s leading airline, keeps their fleet and route expansion, and comes to Poland this month for a Recruitment mission!

If you are at least 18 years old, swim well, speak English on an operational level, are between 1,57m and 1,88m tall and you have a European Union passport, this is your change.

With a medium wage of 900 -1400 , a competitive package on offer, including a 1200 new joiners allowance and staff travel benefits, your career starts here.

We offer a 3 year renewable contract, and the opportunity of having lunch in Paris and dinner in Milan. You will have a 5 day on, 3 day off roster, which will allow you to live the dream above the clouds and travel all around Europe!

Experience is not a requirement, as you will have your training with us, but only the most hardworking, motivated and flexible candidates will have the chance to go on a training course.

Jeśli masz pytania lub chcesz złożyć swoją kandydaturę zapraszamy do kontaktu mailowego: infogroundlink.pt

We are waiting for you!


Firma: Groundlink

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