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Dział: Dam pracę
MICE Sales manager
Data wstawienia: 2023-08-07 14:22Data ważności: 2023-09-06
Województwo: Mazowieckie
Are you looking for a career in tourism as a MICE Sales Manager?
Welcome to Join UP! Poland - where dreams are turned into reality.
Being part of the Join UP! team means embarking on an exhilarating journey alongside a passionate team. Here, your wildest ideas and projects are not only supported but celebrated. We don't simply follow trends; we create them, shaping the industry with our innovative approach. Each day brings fresh opportunities to sharpen your professional prowess and become a true expert in the field of tourism.
Job responsibilities on this position are:
Preparation of group offers for B2B and B2C clients
Negotiating contract terms
Comprehensive service for group reservations: setting details of additional benefits, setting up and processing reservations
Control of payments and accounting documents as well as settlement of events
Implementation of sales plans
Effective communication with foreign partners and close cooperation with other departments of Join UP! Poland.
Tasks for trial period:
Create a Manual for agencies regarding group reservation procedures
Create documentation of group reservation requests for clients
Create a budget for group reservation in 2023 which will be equal to 10% of overall sales and perform a sales of 30% of this target during trial period.
Requirements for the candidate:
Experience in the tourism industry is a must
Experience in organizing and selling group tourist events
Knowledge of geography and knowledge of popular tourist destinations
Ability to maintain long-term business relationships
Accuracy and regularity
Resistance to stress and ability to work under time pressure
Involvement in the implementation of tasks and goals
Ability to work in a team and organize own work
English level (B2 +)
Availability related to business trips
Easy handling of the MerlinX reservation system (knowledge of the Blue Vendo system will be an advantage)
Knowledge of MS Office
Driving licence category B.
What we offer:
Full-time employment
Location - Warsaw
Friendly and helpful team
Opportunity to work for an ambitious and fast-growing company with a clear sense of direction
Intellectually challenging and rewarding work
Excellent learning and professional development opportunities
Bonuses related to sales performance
Discounts on traveling
By clicking on the "Apply", "Apply Now" button or otherwise sending a recruitment application to JOIN UP! POLSKA SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ with its registered office at: Wincenty Rzymowskiego 53, 02-697 Warsaw (Employer - data administrator), you agree to the processing by the Employer of your personal data contained in the recruitment application, in order to recruit for the position indicated in the advertisement. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail address: mily.
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