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Dział: Dam pracę
Junior Product Manager at Rolfs Flyg & Buss
Data wstawienia: 2023-04-18 15:27Data ważności: 2023-05-18
Województwo: Mazowieckie
Rolfs Flyg & Buss is Sweden's largest group tour operator with about 110,000 passengers annually and around 400 different destinations.
We are currently looking for a Junior Product Manager to work at our Warsaw office. The department (split between Gothenburg and Warsaw offices) is responsible for creating comprehensive travel experiences in several different segments, including bicycle, cruise, hiking, tasting and long trips.In the role of Junior Product Manager you will work with different trips and assist in creating new ones. Working closely with your team and Regional Manager, you will be helping to manage all segments of the trip.
This is a great opportunity for those who are passionate about tourism and want to start a career in the Travel Industry.
In your role you will:
- learn how to cooperate with our international partners, how to negotiate best rates and booking conditions.
- help taking care of our groups from the system setup to the end of each trip.
- help managing trips on our website, monitoring all changes, including clients and suppliers requests.
- ensure the most enjoyable experience for the clients on their journey with us.
Our requirements:
- you have good administrations skills and you are a fast learner
- you have a great interest in the travel industry
- you are fluent in English, both spoken and written
We are looking for people with high ambitions, great drive and ease to take initiative. As we are a fast-growing company with great ambitions, we prefer that you are a competitive person who is passionate about creating a top class product that is better than anyone else's. In addition, you are efficient and accurate.
What we offer:
- Employee contract after the trial period
- Attractive salary
- Private medical package
- International working environment
Firma: INTERNATIONAL BACK OFFICE SERVICES SP. Z O.O.Zobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego województwa
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