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Data ważności: 2021-07-09
Województwo: Mazowieckie
Onholidays Polska is a Tour Operator operating on the Polish market since 2015.
We are looking for Product & Contracting Manager to our main office.
Place of work: Warsaw
Tasks and responsibilities:
- support of product department, implementing offers
- analysis of the market and competitors' offers,
- caring for a positive company image,
- consideration of disputes regarding services rendered,
We require from the candidate:
- good knowledge of MerlinX and BlueVendo system - necessary condition
- very good knowledge of MS Excel,
- experience working in a travel agency,
- fluent English in speech and writing,
- knowledge of tourist product and destinations
- knowledge of the Amadeus system will be an advantage
We offer:
- employment contract,
- work in a young team and a dynamically developing company,
- good financial conditions,
- the opportunity to develop your skills.
If you are interested, please send your CV in English
Dział: Dam pracę
Product & Contracting Manager - Onholidays Polska
Data wstawienia: 2021-07-02 10:40Data ważności: 2021-07-09
Województwo: Mazowieckie
Onholidays Polska is a Tour Operator operating on the Polish market since 2015.
We are looking for Product & Contracting Manager to our main office.
Place of work: Warsaw
Tasks and responsibilities:
- support of product department, implementing offers
- analysis of the market and competitors' offers,
- caring for a positive company image,
- consideration of disputes regarding services rendered,
We require from the candidate:
- good knowledge of MerlinX and BlueVendo system - necessary condition
- very good knowledge of MS Excel,
- experience working in a travel agency,
- fluent English in speech and writing,
- knowledge of tourist product and destinations
- knowledge of the Amadeus system will be an advantage
We offer:
- employment contract,
- work in a young team and a dynamically developing company,
- good financial conditions,
- the opportunity to develop your skills.
If you are interested, please send your CV in English
Firma: Onholidays Polska sp. z o.o.Zobacz inne ogłoszenia z tego województwa
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