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Dział: Dam pracę

Zakynthos, praca w wypożyczalni samochodów OD ZARAZ !

Data wstawienia: 2019-05-26 12:19
Data ważności: 2019-06-25
Województwo: --poza-Polską--

Car and moto hire company in Zakynthos (Greece) is looking for people to work in customer service and sales for the summer season 2019.
We offer good working atmosphere in the office, insurance and salary adequate to one's skills (startning from 800 euros net / month).
We also provide free accommodation.

Necessary qualifications:
-22-45 yrs old
-very good knowledge of English and Polish language.
-driving licence cat. B and good driving&parking skills.
-very good communicative skills,very good sense of humor and flexibility.

Other but not necessary qualifications:
-knowledge of Czech or Hungarian or Italian language.
-knowledge of Greek language or any other foreign language.
-driving licence cat. AM, A1, A2, A etc.,
-previous experience in tourism related jobs.

Please send us your CV with an attached recent photo at m and we will contact you to set an interview date through skype,messenger or what's up.
For more information you can also contact at 0030 6974310314.


Firma: Holiday Drive Rent a Car

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