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About Us
Our online travel news service is a site dedicated to professional individuals working in the tourism industry, these are owners and employees of travle agencies, hotels, restaurants coach operators as well as suppliers and service providers for the industry.
Since 2003 our online service publish and deliver news articles to 37716 subscribers in the form of newsletters and whole number of registered users of our service is 40520 users.
- touroperators and travel agencies - now 16233 users
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- gastronomy - now 7222 users
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- business tourism offices, DMC - now 2330 users
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We offer many attractive advertising forms: e.g billboard banners, advertising inserts, special featured elements to the travel industry or mailings to our subscribers. Please discover the top 5 reasons why your ad with us is better than anywhere else:
- it is cost effective: you pay only for genuine ad views to a targeted audience, rather than paying for print ads that are shelved or tossed in to the trash;
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The see the completely offer click here: Advertising Offer at TUR-INFO.PL
Our Partners
We have the opportunity to work with:- Amadeus
- Buksa Travel Tour Operator
- Enovatis S.A.
- Flightbox
- Grupa eholiday.pl Sp. z o.o.
- Hotelscombined
- ITB Berlin
- Lodz Airport
- International Tourism Fair in Poznań Tour Salon
- International Travel Show in Warsaw MT Targi Sp. z o.o.
- Hungarian Tourism Plc.
- Slovak Tourist Board
- Schmetterling Reisen
- Travelport
- TSS Polska Touristik Service System Sp. z o.o.
- Versystravel
- Visit Britain
For more information please contact:
Sales and Marketing Manager Łukasz Odziewa reklama@tur-info.pl mobile +48 (12) 267-79-70 |
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